Thursday, October 14, 2010


1) What have you learnt?
 Throughout this semester, i have learnt about different techniques that i can apply to daily lives. I learnt on how to brainstorm and collate my ideas, different problem solving techniques such as S.C.A.M.P.E.R, evaluating the problem, observing the surrounding people, how to find flaws and improve on a product, modelling a product, critical thinking, problem solving. Based on 10c, I have apply creativity, communication skills with our friends by giving constructive feedbacks, critical thinking. I gained courage and confidence. It also raise intellectual curiosity when going through the process of creating the product for the elderly. I also showed full commitment to my work by doing my best.

2) What are the difficulties encountered?
Some difficulties I encountered were meeting up with the deadline. There are many other projects we need to meet the deadline, and the work is increasing. Another difficulty is in the process of creating the product. I lise down all the advantages and disadvantages of creating the product and what uses it has.3) How did you overcome the difficulties?
I ask suggestion from my friends and going through the problem slowly. I also manage my time well to meet up with  the deadline.Link your reflection based on the 10 Cs.